
Upcoming Events

  • Photo Shooting and Reflection Workshop – Women Only

    Event Date: 14.04.- 15.04.25

    The aim is to gain impulses and new attitudes and perspectives for your own visual representation: Photography as a space of possibility for making oneself visible as a scientist. General questions of photography and other media will also be discussed in the reflection workshop.
  • Workshop: Presentation Skills

    Event Date: 29.04.25 & 30.04.2025

    Goal of this Workshop is the improvement of your presentation skills and techniques in order to make your performance even more convincing.
  • Good Scientfic Writing

    Event Date: 20.05. – 22.05.25 & 10.03.2025

    the principles of good scientific writing • cultural differences in how academic papers are written • how to structure research articles • how to build effective paragraphs and sentences • communicating voice and attitude in a text • incorporating narrative into academic texts • abstracts and introductions • punctuation • editing techniques
  • Career Talk with Prof. Beate Koksch

    Event Date: 21.05.2025

    In this series of events, successful scientists share their experiences in the natural sciences, talk about their careers and their path into business and give doctoral students, postdocs and interested students insights into their careers. This also gives scientists the opportunity to meet and network.

Past Events

  • Academic Poster Design

    Event Date: 28.02.25 & 10.03.2025

    You will learn how to use a grid and white space, choose colors, fonts and font sizes etc. to produce an aesthetically pleasing and effective poster. Between the first and the second workshopday you will have time to work on your individual poster. With the printed posters we will conduct a mini poster session and train how to give a concise poster presentation.
  • Career Talk with Dr. Lisa Lampp

    Event Date: 07.11.24

    In this series of events, successful scientists share their experiences in the natural sciences, talk about their careers and their path into business and give doctoral students, postdocs and interested students insights into their careers. This also gives scientists the opportunity to meet and network.
  • BEAM Colloquium & Career Talk

    Event Date: 06.09.2024:

    “Imaging carbon monoxide in biological environments and Gold nanomaterials for combined MRI and therapy”
  • Get-Together of the Research School Network Halle 2024: Generative AI for Science

    Event Date: 29.08.2024:

    The Research School Network Halle invites all participating doctoral researchers to the 4th summer meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2024.
  • Career Talk with Dr. Sebastian Finger

    Event Date: 11.07.24

    In this series of events, successful scientists share their experiences in the natural sciences, talk about their careers and their path into business and give doctoral students, postdocs and interested students insights into their careers. This also gives scientists the opportunity to meet and network.
  • BEAM Colloquium

    Event Date: 12.06.2024

    On June 12 th 2024, Prof. Dr. Petri Kursula (University of Bergen (Norway) and University of Oulu (Finland)) will give a lecture on the topic “Visualisation of myelin-like proteolipid membranes using photons, neutrons, and electrons”.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 31.05.24

    In this event series sucessful scientists share their experiences as a women in natural science, tell the story behind their official CV and give insights into their career for PhD students, PostDocs and interested students. This also gives natural scientists the opportunity to get-together and network.
  • BEAM retreat

    Event Date: 18.04 & 19.04.2024

    Our third BEAM retreat will take place from 18 to 19 April in Erfurt.
  • BEAM Colloquium

    Event Date: 11.04.2024

    On April 11 2024, Dr. Astrid Walrant (Laboratoire des BiomolĂ©cules LBM Sorbonne Université  ―  Paris – France) will give a lecture on the topic “Analyzing peptide/membrane interactions, a story of CPPs and AMPs”.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 05.04.2023:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • GDCh-Kolloquium – “The challenge of climate change – Can we still meet the Paris climate targets?”

    Event Date: 26.01.24

    Prof. Dr Mojib Latif (Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR)) will give a lecture on the topic “The challenge of climate change – Can we still meet the Paris climate targets?”.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 26.01.24

    In this event series sucessful scientists share their experiences as a women in natural science, tell the story behind their official CV and give insights into their career for PhD students, PostDocs and interested students. This also gives natural scientists the opportunity to get-together and network.
  • BEAM Colloquium

    Event Date: 29.11.23

    On Wednesday, November 29 th, 2023 Prof. Robert Hickey (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University) will talk about “Polymer Actuators from Hierarchically Ordered Hydrogels”.
  • Workshop: “How we deal with stress and conflict”

    Event Date: 29.11.23

    How do you define stress? When does it occur and how do you experience it? When and how do you experience conflict? What are your current strategies for coping?
  • BEAM Colloquium

    Event Date: 22.11.23

    On November 22 th, 2023 Prof. Hale Ocak (Faculty of Organic Chemistry, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul) will talk about “Cyano Substituted Chiral Liquid Crystals and Their Composites Doped with Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles”
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 22.11.23

    In this event series sucessful scientists share their experiences as a women in natural science, tell the story behind their official CV and give insights into their career for PhD students, PostDocs and interested students. This also gives natural scientists the opportunity to get-together and network.
  • Workshop: “How we speak to ourselves”

    Event Date: 25.10.23

    In this workshop we meet ourselves and we listen to how we sound in our inner dialogue. Please feel free to prepare by tuning in and collecting examples for your inner dialogue, in various situations. Does it sound angry, annoyed, impatient? Can you talk to yourself with patience and self-compassion?
  • Workshop: Job Interview

    Event Date: 06.10.2023:

    This workshop will give you the opportunity to learn about self presentation, answering questions about weaknesses and strength, role plays and how to leave a strong impression.
  • Workshop: Science Graphics

    Event Date: 27.09.2023:

    This one-day workshop will cover various topics about scientific graphs.
  • Vorlesung: Forschungsdatenmangement

    Event Date: 25.09. – 26.09.2023:

    Vorlesung: Forschungsdatenmanagement
  • Workshop: The Written Application for the Non-Academic Job Market

    Event Date: 20.09.2023 – 21.09.2023:

    Aim of the workshop: the participants learn to structure their written application in industry or in the public service outside of science in a meaningful way and to develop it well in terms of content. Participants will learn to present their own knowledge, skills and competencies in a way that is visible and understandable to the recipients of the application.
  • get-together of research school network Halle

    Event Date: 15.06.2023:

  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 26.05.2023:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Workshop: Boosting Day-to-Day Resilience at Work

    Event Date: 24.05.2023 + 16.06.2023:

    Resilience in the workplace is the ability to cope with the demands and challenges of your day-to-day tasks, projects, and the interaction with the people you work with. The American Psychological Association defines resilience thus: Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.
  • Workshop: Scientific Writing

    Event Date: 18.04.2023 + 19.04.2023:

    This workshop is for PhD candidates and others who are either publishing in international journals, or soon will be. The modules therefore explore how scientific writers can satisfy the expectations of international, English-speaking journal editors, and boost their chances of publication. Participants will learn the techniques they need to write well structured papers which communicate the value of their research with impact and clarity.
  • Workshop: Good scientific practice

    Event Date: 27.03.2023:

    Based on the DFG memorandum “Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice”, participants will receive an overview of the rules of good scientific practice and how to deal with scientific misconduct.
  • Workshop: Good Manufacturing Practice

    Event Date: 15.03.2023 + 16.03.2023:

    Good manufacturing practice (GMP) describes the minimum standard that a medicines/pharmaceutical manufacturer must meet in their production processes.
  • CMM for BEAM: NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization CMM in the GRK 2670 “Beyond Amphiphilicity”

    Event Date: 13.03.2023 + 14.03.2022:

    Day 1: 1. Basics: spins polarization, pulsed NMR, precession, FID signal and sensitivity, relaxation times (KS) 2. Technical details: function of a pulsed NMR spectrometer (GH)> 3. Data acquisition and processing: Fourier trans-formation, phases and offsets, sampling issues (GH)
  • CMM: NMR spectroscopy

    Event Date: 13.03.2023+ 14.03.2023:

    This CMM will cover the basics of NMR with a mixture of lectures and lab exercises.
  • Workshop: Follow me – women only

    Event Date: 08.03.2023:

    A seminar around strengths & resource efficiency and leadership in science.
  • Workshop: follow me (for women only)

    Event Date: 01.03.2023:

    A seminar around strengths & resource efficiency and leadership in science Contents: – Being able to define and name self-efficacy and strength orientation in one’s own profile – Develop leadership competence and leadership profile – To work out own patterns of success in the leadership context.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 24.02.2023:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Fake News

    Event Date: 23.02.2023:

    This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a largely male-dominated environment.
  • Conflict Management

    Event Date: 15.02.2023:

    This workshop will give you the opportunity to learn about conflicts within academia, non-violent communication, empathic response, reframing, approach speech, emphasising autonomy, argumentation judo and role plays.
  • CMM: GUV- Preparation and confocal microscopy of giant membrane vesicles

    Event Date: 21.01.2022:

    Production of model membranes
  • Advanced Networking

    Event Date: 20.01.2023:

    In this workshop yo learn how to maintain your network, techniques and network development since the first workshop “A NEWCOMER’S GUIDE TO NETWORKING”.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 25.11.2022:

    Insights behind his CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Supramolecular chemistry

    Event Date: 10.10.2022 – 04.02.2023:

    Supramolecular chemistry, also known as “chemistry beyond the molecule”, deals with the study of molecular recognition and high-order assemblies formed by noncovalent interactions. The molecules that comprise the supermolecule interact with each other via weak interactions such as hydrogen-bonding, halogen-bonding, hydrophobic interactions, and coordination to form new entities with novel properties and functions that cannot be deduced by a simple summation of the properties of the individual molecules. This course is intended to introduce you to the fast-growing field of supramolecular chemistry and to understand the different types of non-covalent interactions that can lead to supramolecules.
  • Workshop: project management for PhD students

    Event Date: 25.08.2022 – 26.08.2022:

    The participants learn the basics of project management as it is commonly used in business and science – this course therefore represents a general introduction to this topic. At the same time, the focus of the course will be on the particularities that need to be taken into account when planning a doctorate. The techniques covered will be practiced on the participants’ individual doctoral cases. As a result, they create a plan for their (remaining) doctoral time and learn how to utilize it. Instead of presenting golden rules, the advantages and disadvantages of different project management procedures will be explained. Participants are encouraged to contribute their own preferences and experiences and to vary the techniques presented.
  • Workshop: “How to get up after falling down”

    Event Date: 07.07.2022:

    “How to get up after falling down” What do we do when things go wrong? How do we respond when we fail or when we have bad luck? Did you know that even BEAM failed the first time? What if … every experience of failure became an opportunity to learn and grow? In this workshop, we discuss the many ways in which things can go wrong and we clarify what failure means to each of us, individually.
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 24.06.2022:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Workshop: Voice and Body (for women only)

    Event Date: 14.06.2022 – 15.06.2022:

    “Integral to voice and body training is the central idea that physical and vocal dynamics are connected to the speaker’s motivation and to the importance of the information being communicated. The trainer has a professional theatre background, which is a unique benefit for the participants to help identify the verbal challenges of each speaker, giving attention to breath, articulation, intonation, volume, modulation and tempo. The Training is given to improve non-verbal aspects such as gesture, positioning, distance, eye contact and relationship with media. The trainer input will provide the opportunity to gain new insights in effective communication and learn how to present yourself more effectively and to make the best impression and strongest impact. Participants monitor their improvement and implement feedback through active role-play exercises in which they present themselves.”
  • Workshop: “A newcomer’s guide to networking”

    Event Date: 01.06.2022:

    In this short workshop we explore the concept of networking. What does it mean to network successfully? Who do you consider to be a part of your current network? How do you interact with people from your network? How to build a network from scratch? How can I go about networking if I am shy or introvert?
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 20.05.2022:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Workshop: Culture at work

    Event Date: 12.05.2022:

    As a scientist, we often work in a cross-cultural setting. Our research groups are international, we collaborate around the globe, and most of us will spend part, -or even all- of our career abroad. We can and should feel privileged to work in such a diverse and intercultural work environment. But these cultural and -of course- also individual differences can lead to all manners of misunderstandings. These misunderstandings can lead to a broad variety of undesired consequences, such as failed collaborations, frustrations, feelings of hurt, anxiety and anger, culture shock and missed opportunities for knowledge transfer. Cultural awareness is the first step in sidestepping these undesired consequences. During this course you will improve your cross-cultural understanding, so you can tap into the full potential of your intercultural teams.
  • Workshop: Introduction Python and Insight Data Science with Python

    Event Date: 02.05.2022 – 03.05.2022:

    Python is considered an easy language to learn because it has a clear and concise syntax. The language has an open, community-based development model supported by the non-profit Python Software Foundation. It also has an extensive standard library and numerous packages in the Python Package Index such as Numpy, Pandas, SciPy and Matplotlib.
  • Workshop: Mastering Presentation Skills and Technique

    Event Date: 12.04.2022 + 13.04.2022:

    Goal of this Workshop is the improvement of your presentation skills and techniques in order to make your performance even more convincing. To this end, you will get to know and practice tools and strategies in the following three fields: Story (i.a. a well structured preparation incl. target group analysis); Slides (i.a. a red threat, clear messages, strong pictures ) and Stage (using your body and your voice to underline your content, coping with nervousness).
  • CMM: How we can model and use symmetry

    Event Date: 30.03. – 31.03.2022:

    What are groups, where do they naturally appear? How do we mathematically model symmetry and what does it have to do with groups? Motivation, examples from own research environment?definitions and notation, examples, tasks, practicing mathematical reasoning, the symmetry group of the regular n-corner, examples from own research.
  • CMM for BEAM: Native mass spectrometry to study protein-ligand interactions

    Event Date: 29.3.2022 – 31.3.2022:

    Native mass spectrometry to study protein-ligand interactions
  • Workshop: Good scientific writing

    Event Date: 21.03.2022 – 22.03.2022:

    ACADEMIC WRITING “Writing is an essential part of the successful researcher’s skillset. However, writing at the standard necessary to publish in peer-reviewed journals can be challenging. This two-day writing workshop is for researchers who wish to improve their academic writing skills in English. This practical workshop will focus on the structure of an English paper and abstract and how to improve the style and readability of an academic text. Participants are encouraged to bring along a sample of their current writing that will be the basis for peer review on the second day of the course. In addition, participants should bring at least two examples of research articles from their field (written by native English speakers if possible).”
  • Workshop: Women in Science – Talk and Power – Who Gets Heard and Why

    Event Date: 07.03.2022:

    This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a largely male-dominated environment.
  • CMM for BEAM: Applications of EPR in softmatter: from polymers to proteins

    Event Date: 22.02.2022 – 23.02.2022:

    content: self-assembly, nanoscopic properties, nano-scale distance measurements
  • Workshop: Academic Poster Design

    Event Date: 17.02.2022 + 24.02.2022:

    “Clear at Glance – Successfully Communicate your Research at the Next Virtual or Physical Event Poster sessions are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight research results, visualize them and stimulate discussion. To draw your audience in, you need a crystal-clear message, a text format optimized for best legibility, well-chosen graphics and above all, a convincing layout for a printed or digital format. Basic rules of graphic design help you to arrange your research visually well-ordered and compelling. The workshop also provides time for practice a pitch poster presentation of your poster – participants come away from the course with a designed or redesigned poster.”
  • Workshop: Women in Science – Talk and Power – Who Gets Heard and Why

    Event Date: 31.01.2022:

    This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a largely male-dominated environment.
  • CMM for BEAM: Amphiphilic polymers on the Langmuir trough

    Event Date: 26.01.2022 – 28.01.2022:

    content: Behavior of amphiphilic (macro)molecules on the air/water interface Synthesis of amphiphilic polymers by ATRP Surface pressure versus mean molecular area isotherms, phase transitions Brewster Angle Microscopy, Epifluorescence Microscopy X-ray and neutron reflectivity, granzing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 14.01.2022:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Workshop: Statistical literacy and R

    Event Date: 13.01.2022 + 14.01.2022:

    Management of R objects, workspace, Help system, R packages, data types, Working with GUI RStudio, importing and exporting of data, Importing/exporting foreign formats such as SPSS datasets or .*cho, Summary statistics, dealing with missing data, Modify data set structures, Extracting partial data sets (split, submit, which), Working with tables: Row sums, column sums, Frequency tables, Graphical representation of frequency tables, Special table functions, Overview on graphic types, Layout and graphic design, graphics output, Algorithms in Data Science, Data import, processing, modelling and visualization, Overview about the classification of algorithms in Machine Learning The workshop lanuage is English. Registration is closed.
  • CMM: FCCS- Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy

    Event Date: 04.01.2022:

    explain fluorescence microscopic methods, compare them and apply them themselves
  • CMM for BEAM: NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization CMM in the GRK 2670 “Beyond Amphiphilicity”

    Event Date: 20.12.2021 – 21.12.2021:

    CMM for BEAM: NMR spectroscopy for biomolecular and materials characterization CMM in the GRK 2670 “Beyond Amphiphilicity”
  • CMM: FCS- Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy

    Event Date: 03.12.2021:

    visualization with fluorescence microscopic methods
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 03.12.2021:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 05.11.2021:

    Insights behind her CV and get-together and networking of (female) natural scientists
  • Workshop: Self- and Time Management

    Event Date: 03.11.2021 – 05.11.2021:

    “Time can not be bought, stored or stopped. Every second that passes is gone forever. In this respect it should be seen as the most valuable of all resources and the only way to maximize its potential is to use it well. What “well” means in this context is a highly individual thing. You will leave the training with many insights on your own patterns and a toolset to increase effectivity and efficiency. You will have a chance to clarify and prioritise your values and goals and plan tasks and projects that align with your goals. You will identify your particular time wasters and adopt strategies for eliminating them from your work pattern. You will find out about your high energy periods and how to focus your attention. As the planning of scientific research projects becomes more and more crucial, one workshop introduces this topic.”
  • Women and Career in Natural Science – equal opportunity: Insights behind the CV

    Event Date: 15.10.2021:

    Seminar series about successful female scientists, who share their experiences as a woman in natural science and tell the story behind their official CV.
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Kolloid- und Grenzflächenchemie weicher Materie

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    Amphiphile + Bolaamphiphile + Polyphile Assoziationskolloide Lyotrope FlĂĽssigkristalle Phasengrenzen LANGMUIR-/GIBBS-Monoschichten Symmetrische + asymmetrische Lipidmembranen: Vesikel + Bizellen + Nanodisks Dispersionskolloide
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Quantenchemie

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    computerbasierte Lösung der Schrödingergleichung für Moleküle (also Mehrelektronensysteme)
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Amphiphilic and polyphilic self-assembly

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    From elemental particles and fundamental forces via atoms and molecules to intermolecular forces – Amphiphilicity and self-assembly, hydrophobic, fluorophobic… etc. effects – Interface curvature and self-assembly of amphiphiles and polymers – Minimal surfaces and networks
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Introduction to bioanalytical mass spectrometryhemoenzymatische Chemie

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    Basics of mass spectrometry • Identification of proteins, lipids • Quantitative mass spectrometry • Structural mass spectrometry
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Chemoenzymatische Chemie

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    Specialized lecture for BEAM: Chemoenzymatische Chemie
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Introduction to NMR spectroscopy

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:

    Introduction to NMR spectroscopy (2SWS VL, 1 SWS Seminar)
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Basic Lecture on Biophysical Methods (Biophysikalische Methoden Wahlpflicht und BioPC-N I)

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.2.2022:

    Basic Lecture on Biophysical Methods (Biophysikalische Methoden Wahlpflicht und BioPC-N I)
  • Specialized lecture for BEAM: Advanced Lecture on Biophysical Methods (Biophysikalische Methoden PC-M-V)

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.2.2022:

    topics: special topics e.g. in light microscopy, single molecule biophysics, fluorescence fluctuations spectroscopy and basic topics not covered in the basic lecture, e.g. protein crystallography
  • CMM for BEAM: Preparation and microscopy of giant membrane vesicles with FCS and FCCS

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.2.2022:

    – GUV: Preparation and confocal microscopy of giant membrane vesicles (1 day) – FCS: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (1 day) – FCCS: Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy (1 day) Prior participation in the FCS – CMM is required for participation in the FCCS – CMM.
  • CMM for BEAM: Insides into directed evolution: engineering and assaying of unspecific peroxygenases

    Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 31.3.2022:

    Two days Content: Insides into the mutagenesis using techniques like primer design, PCR and Golden Gate Cloning.
  • Workshop: Good scientific practice

    Event Date: 09.09.2021:

    Any responsible conduct of research should be based on honesty, accuracy, efficiency, and objectivity. The workshop Good Scientific Practice focuses on these scientific standards of international research. It raises awareness of the subject matter by providing doctoral candidates with a set of professional values and ethical norms as well as required competencies and skills to pursue scientific integrity. The content of the course follows the curriculum “Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice” (Memorandum and Code of Conduct) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
  • Meeting: social Kick-Off Meeting

    Event Date: 08.07.2021:

    We are going to have a poster presentation from 14:00 – 16:00