
BEAM Publications


Judith MĂŒnch,  Jordi Soler, Ofir Gildor-Cristal, Sarel J. Fleishman, Marc Garcia-BorrĂ s, Martin J. Weissenborn
A computationally designed panel of diverse and selective peroxygenases for terpene oxyfunctionalization


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Christian Anders, Virginia-Marie Fischer, Tianyi Tan, Mohamed Alaasar, Rebecca Waldecker, Yubin Ke, Yu Cao, Feng Liu, Carsten Tschierske
Modifying the liquid crystalline chessboard tiling – Soft reticular self-assembly of side-chain fluorinated polyphiles

Journal of Materials Chemistry C

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Christian Anders, Tianyi Tan, Virginia-Marie Fischer, Ruoyu Wang, Mohamed Alaasar, Rebecca Waldecker, Yu Cao, Feng Liu, Carsten Tschierske
Engineering “Meso-Atom” Bonding: Honeycomb-Network Transitions in Reticular Liquid Crystals


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T. Hanke, A. L. Upterworth, D. Sebastiani
Explicit Configurational Entropy of Mixing in Molecular Dynamics Simulations

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

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Dominik Homann, Pascal PĂŒllmann, Martin Weissenborn
Mapping Selective Oxidations of Unspecific Peroxygenases

tbd (preprint)

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Elise Hingst, Michaela Blech, Dariush Hinderberger, Patrick Garidel
Competitive Adsorption of a Monoclonal Antibody and Amphiphilic Polymers to the Air-Water Interface

tbd (preprint)

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Milka Doktorova, Sebastian Daum, Jan Ebenhan, Sarah Neudorf, Bing Han, Satyan Sharma, Peter Kasson, Kandice R. Levental, Kirsten Bacia, Anne K. Kenworthy, Ilya Levental
Caveolin assemblies displace one bilayer leaflet to organize and bend membranes

tbd (preprint)

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Julian Bender, Til Kundlacz, Lucas S.P. Rudden, Melissa Frick, Julia Bieber, Matteo T. Degiacomi, Carla Schmidt
Ca2+-dependent lipid preferences shape synaptotagmin-1 C2A and C2B dynamics: Insights from experiments and simulations


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Alena Winter, Farzad Hamdi, Andreas Eichhöfer, Kay SaalwĂ€chter, Panagiotis L. Kastritis, Frederik Haase
Enhancing structural control in covalent organic frameworks through steric interaction-driven linker design

Chemical Science

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Judith MĂŒnch, Niklas Dietz, Shiran Barber-Zucker, Franziska Seifert, Susanne Matschi, Pascal PĂŒllmann, Sarel J. Fleishman*, Martin J. Weissenborn*
Functionally Diverse Peroxygenases by AlphaFold2, Design, and Signal Peptide Shuffling

ACS Catalysis

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Yue Cai, Florian Lehmann, Justus F. ThĂŒmmler, Dariush Hinderberger, Wolfgang H. Binder
Initiator-Free Synthesis of Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Networks via Bergman Cyclization

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics

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Elena Hipper, Florian Lehmann, Wolfgang Kaiser, Göran HĂŒbner,
Julia Buske, Michaela Blech, Dariush Hinderberger, Patrick Garidel
Protein photodegradation in the visible range? Insights into protein photooxidation with respect to protein concentration

International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X

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Zehra Durmus, Roberto Köferstein, Titus Lindenberg, Florian
Lehmann, Dariush Hinderberger, A. Wouter Maijenburg
Preparation and characterization of Ce-MOF/g-C3N4 composites and evaluation of their photocatalytic performance

Ceramics International

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Julian Radicke, Karsten Busse, Vanessa Jerschabek, Haleh Hashemi Haeri, Muhammad Abu Bakar, Dariush Hinderberger, and Jörg Kressler*
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Acetate as a Reactive Solvent for Elemental Sulfur and Poly(sulfur nitride)

Journal of Physical Chemistry

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Sebastian Michler , Florian Arndt Schöffmann, Dina Robaa, Jonas
Volmer, Dariush Hinderberger
Fatty Acid Binding to the Human Transport Proteins FABP3, FABP4, and FABP5 from a Ligand’s Perspective

Journal of Biological Chemistry

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Marah Alqaisi, Justus F. ThĂŒmmler, Florian Lehmann, Franz-Josef Schmitt, Leonie Lentz, Fabian Rieder, Dariush Hinderberger and Wolfgang H. Binder *
Tuning nanoparticles’ internal structure: fluorinated single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) generated by chain collapse of random copolymers

Polymer Chemistry

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Roos, E., Gradaus, C., Sebastiani, D., Brehm, M.
A force field for the solubility of cellulose in DMSO/Ionic liquids


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Christian Anders, Matthias Wagner, Mohamed Alaasar, Virginia-Marie Fischer, Rebecca Waldecker, Yangyang Zhao, Tianyi Tan, Yu Cao*, Feng Liu and Carsten Tschierske*
Highly branched bolapolyphilic liquid crystals with a cubic A15 network at the triangle-square transition

Chemical Communications

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Yu Cao, Alexander Scholte, Marko Prehm, Christian Anders, Changlong Chen,
Jiangxuan Song, Lei Zhang, Gang He, Carsten Tschierske,* and Feng Liu*

Understanding the Role of Trapezoids in Honeycomb Self-Assembly—Pathways between a Columnar Liquid Quasicrystal and its Liquid-Crystalline Approximants

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

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Mohamed Alaasar, Ahmed F. Darweesh, Christian Anders, Konstantin Iaboubovskii, Masafumi Yoshio*
Luminescent and photoconductive liquid crystalline lamellar and helical network phases of achiral polycatenars

Materials Advances

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Mohamed Alaasar, Christian Anders, Rami Pashameah, Ahmed F. Darweesh*
Azopyridine-based hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals with thioether tail

Liquid Crystals

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Oksana Smirnova, Subham Ojha, Ankita De, Andreas Schneemann, Frederik Haase, Alexander Knebel
Tiny Windows in Reticular Nanomaterials for Molecular Sieving Gas Separation Membranes

Advanced Functional Materials

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Eliane Roos, Daniel Sebastiani, Martin Brehm*
BILFF: All-Atom Force Field for Modeling Triazolium- and Benzoate-Based Ionic Liquids


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Dietz N, Wan L, MĂŒnch J, Weissenborn MJ
Secretion and directed evolution of unspecific peroxygenases in S. cerevisiae.

Methods in Enzymology

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Til-Erik Kundlacz, Carla Schmidt*
Deciphering Solution and Gas-Phase Interactions between Peptides and Lipids by Native Mass Spectrometry

Analytical Chemistry

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Pascal PĂŒllmann, Dominik Homann, Tobias A Karl, Burkhard König, Martin Weissenborn*
Light‐Controlled Biocatalysis by Unspecific Peroxygenases with Genetically Encoded Photosensitizers

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

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Judith MĂŒnch, Jordi Soler, Nicole HĂŒnecke, Dominik Homann, Marc Garcia-BorrĂ s, Martin Weissenborn*
Computational-Aided Engineering of a Selective Unspecific Peroxygenase toward Enantiodivergent ÎČ-Ionone Hydroxylation

ACS Catalysis

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Eliane Roos, Daniel Sebastiani, Martin Brehm*
A force field for bio-polymers in ionic liquids (BILFF) – part 2: cellulose in [EMIm][OAc]/water mixtures

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, Advance Article

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Julian Radicke, Eliane Roos, Daniel Sebastiani, Martin Brehm, Jörg Kressler
Lactate-based ionic liquids as chiral solvents for cellulose

Journal of Polymer Science

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Niuosha Sanaeifar, Karsten MĂ€der and Dariush Hinderberger*
Macro- and Nanoscale Effect of Ethanol on Bovine Serum Albumin Gelation and Naproxen Release

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

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Justus F. ThĂŒmmler, Andreas H. Roos, Jana KrĂŒger, Dariush Hinderberger, Franz-Josef Schmitt, Guo Tang, Farzin Ghane Golmohamadi, Jan Laufer, Wolfgang H. Binder*
Tuning the internal compartmentation of single-chain nanoparticles as fluorescent contrast agents

Macromolecular Rapid Communications

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Mohamed Alaasar, Xiaoqian Cai, Felix Kraus, Michael Giese, Feng Liu, Carsten Tschierske
Controlling ambidextrous mirror symmetry breaking in photosensitive supramolecular polycatenars by alkyl-chain engineering

Journal of Molecular Liquids

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Mohamed Alaasar, Xiaoqian Cai, Yu Cao, Feng Liu*
Transition from lamellar to nanostructure mesophases in azobenzene-based hockey-stick polycatenars

Polymer Chemistry

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Yue Cai, Florian Lehmann, Edgar Peiter, Senbin Chen, Jintao Zhu, Dariush Hinderberger and Wolfgang H. Binder*
Bergman cyclization of main-chain enediyne polymers for enhanced DNA cleavage

New Journal of Chemistry

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Kang Cheng Liu, Hudson Pace, Erin Larsson, Shakhawath Hossain, Aleksei Kabedev, Ankita Shukla, Vannesa Jerschabek, Jagan Mohan, Christel Bergström, Marta Bally, Christian Schwieger, Madlen Hubert, Richard Lundmark
Membrane insertion mechanism of the caveola coat protein Cavin1


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Mohamed Alaasar, Yu Cao, Yan Liu, Feng Liu, and Carsten Tschierske*
Switching Chirophilic Self-assembly: From meso-structures to Conglomerates in Liquid and Liquid Crystalline Network Phases of Achiral Polycatenar Compounds

Chemistry—A European Journal

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Azhar Saeed, Marco Poppe, Matthias B. Wagner, Sebastian Hauche, Christian Anders, Yu Cao, Lei Zhang, Carsten Tschierske* and Feng Li*
The rhombic honeycomb – a new mode of self- assembly in liquid crystalline soft matter


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Yu Cao, Mohamed Alaasar, Lei Zhang, Chenhui Zhu, Carsten Tschierske, and Feng Liu*
Supramolecular meso-Trick: Ambidextrous Mirror Symmetry Breaking in a Liquid Crystalline Network with Tetragonal Symmetry

Journal of the American Chemical Society

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Changlong Chen, Marco Poppe, Silvio Poppe, Matthias Wagner, Carsten Tschierske, and Feng Liu
Tetrahedral Liquid-Crystalline Networks: An A15-Like Frank– Kasper Phase Based on Rod-Packing

Angewandte Chemie

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Niuosha Sanaeifar, Karsten MĂ€der and Dariush Hinderberger*
Molecular-Level Release of Coumarin-3-Carboxylic Acid and Warfarin-Derivatives from BSA-Based Hydrogels


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Harald Rupp, Wolfgang H. Binder*
3D printing of solvent-free supramolecular polymers

Frontiers in Chemistry

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Huiying Wang, Qiang Chen, Zhen Geng, Jingyi Rao, Bijin Xiong, Senbin Chen, Frédéric Lortie, Julien Bernard, Wolfgang H. Binder, Jintao Zhu*
Fluorescent and water dispersible single-chain nanoparticles: core-shell structured compartmentation

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

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Chenming Li, Phillip Hilgeroth, Nazmul Hasan, Dieter Ströhl, Jörg Kressler, Wolfgang H Binder*
Comparing C2=O and C2=S Barbiturates: Different Hydrogen-Bonding Patterns of Thiobarbiturates in Solution and the Solid State

International Journal of Molecular Sciences

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Matthias Hoffmann, Jana Eisermann, Florian A. Schöffmann, Manabendra Das, Carolyn Vargas, Sandro Keller, Dariush Hinderberger*
Influence of different polymer belts on lipid properties in nanodiscs characterized by CW EPR spectroscopy

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes

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Xihuang Zheng, Min Ren, Huayang Wang, Huiying Wang, Zhen Geng, Jiangping Xu, Renhua Deng, Senbin Chen, Wolfgang H. Binder, Jintao Zhu*
Halogen-Bond Mediated 3D Confined Assembly of AB Diblock Copolymer and C Homopolymer Blends.


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Jana Eisermann, Matthias Hoffmann, Florian A. Schöffmann, Manabendra Das, Carolyn Vargas, Sandro Keller, Dariush Hinderberger*
Molecular-level interactions of nanodisc-forming copolymers dissected by EPR spectroscopy

Macromol. Chem. Phys, published online (open access)

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Senbin Chen, * Yanggui Wu, Huiying Wang, Bengao Zhu, Bijing Xiong, Wolfgang H. Binder* and Jintao Zhu*
Synthesis and self-aggregated nanostructures of hydrogen-bonding polydimethylsiloxane.

Polymer Chemistry

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Melissa Frick, Christian Schwieger, Carla Schmidt*
Liposomes as Carriers of Membrane‐Associated Proteins and Peptides for Mass Spectrometric Analysis

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

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Til Kundlacz, Julian Bender, Carla Schmidt*
Effects of non-ionic and zwitterionic detergents on soluble proteins during native mass spectrometry experiments

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 468

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Judith MĂŒnch, Pascal PĂŒllmann, Wuyuan Zhang, Martin J. Weissenborn
Enzymatic Hydroxylations of sp3-Carbons

ACS Publications

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Andreas H. Roos, Justus F. HoïŹ€mann, Wolfgang H. Binder Dariush Hinderberger *
Nanoscale structure and dynamics of thermoresponsive single-chain nanoparticles investigated by EPR spectroscopy

Soft Matter

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Matthias Rohmer, ÖzgĂŒn Ucak, Rahul Fredrick and Wolfgang H. Binder*
Chiral amines as initiators for ROP and chiral induction on poly(2-aminoisobutyric acid) chains

Polymer Chemistry

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Balaji Krishnakumar, Andrea Pucci, Prakash P. Wadgaonkar, Indresh Kumar, Wolfgang H. Binder* and Sravendra Rana*
Vitrimers based on Bio-derived Chemicals: Overview and Future Prospects.

Chem. Eng. J

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Justus F. Hoffmann, Andreas H. Roos, Franz-Josef Schmitt, Dariush Hinderberger, Wolfgang H. Binder*
Fluorescent and water dispersible single-chain nanoparticles: core-shell structured compartmentation

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

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Topicly Related Publications


Philipp Schatz, Dr. Weiqin Xu, Sebastian Rynek, Leon Maser, Dr. Niels Heise, Dr. Olaf Fuhr, Prof. Dr. Dieter Fenske, Dr. Haleh Hashemi Haeri, Prof. Dr. Dariush Hinderberger, Dr. Matthias Vogt, Prof. Dr. Robert Langer
Carbon-Centered Reactivity in Carbodiphosphorane-Based Ligands Allowing for Redox-Non-Innocent Ligand/Ligand Dual Bond-Activation

Angewandte Chemie

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Thomas BĂ€tz, Haleh Hari, Silas Langstein, Stefan Zechel, Martin Hager, Dariush Hinderberger, Ulrich Schubert
Investigation of selective metal-complexation in terpyridine and phenanthroline based polymeric systems


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Mohamed Alaasar, Ahmed F. Darweesh, Yu Cao, Konstantin Iakoubovskii, Masafumi Yoshio
Electric field- and light-responsive oxadiazole bent-core polycatenar liquid crystals

Journal of Materials Chemistry C

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Jonas Volmer, Ulrike Cerajewski, Marie Alfes, Julian Bender, Josefin Abert, Carla Schmidt, Maria Ott, Dariush Hinderberger*
Aqueous Ionic Liquid Mixtures as Minimal Models of Lipid Bilayer Membranes

ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

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Rupali; Joseph, B.; Thomas, S.; Sen, N.; Paschold, A.; Binder, W. H.; Kumar, S.*
Bioinspired synthetic polymers-based inhibitors of Alzheimer’s amyloid-ÎČ peptide aggregation

Polymer Chemistry

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Hoffmann, J. F.; Maragani, R.; Schmitt, F.-J.; Tang, G.; Mahmoudi-Rahmanlou, S.; Laufer, J.; Lucas, H.; Maeder, K.; Binder, W. H.*
Thermoresponsive Swelling of Photoacoustic Single-Chain Nanoparticles

Chemical Communications

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Cai, Y.; Binder, W. H.*
Triggered Crosslinking of Main-Chain Enediyne Polyurethanes via Bergman Cyclization

Macromolecular Rapid Communications

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Haleh Hashemi Haeri, Nicola Schneegans, Daniela Eisenschmidt-Bönn, Wolfgang Brandt, Ute Wittstock, Dariush Hinderberger  
Characterization of the active site in the thiocyanate-forming protein from Thlaspi arvense (TaTFP) using EPR spectroscopy

Biological Chemistry

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Amke Nimmrich, Matthijs R. Panman, Oskar Berntsson, Elisa Biasin, Stephan Niebling, Jonas Petersson, Maria Hoernke, Alexander Björling, Emil Gustavsson, Tim B. van Driel, Asmus O. Dohn, Mads Laursen, Diana B. Zederkof, Kensuke Tono, Tetsuo Katayama, Shigeki Owada, Martin M. Nielsen, Jan Davidsson, Jens Uhlig, Jochen S. Hub, Kristoffer Haldrup, Sebastian Westenhoff
Solvent-Dependent Structural Dynamics in the Ultrafast Photodissociation Reaction of Triiodide Observed with Time-Resolved X-ray Solution Scattering

ACS Publications

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Haleh H. Haeri, Jana Eisermann, Heike Schimm, Anja BĂŒscher, Peter Hoyer, Dariush Hinderberger
Profound Changes in Functional Structure and Dynamics of Serum Albumin in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome: An Exploratory Research Study

ACS Publications

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Farzaneh Pourmasoumi, Dr. Sundar Hengoju, Katharina Beck, Philipp Stephan, Lukas Klopfleisch, Dr. Maria Hoernke, Prof. Dr. Miriam A. Rosenbaum, Dr. Hajo Kries
Analysing Megasynthetase Mutants at High Throughput Using Droplet Microfluidics


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Xiaoqian Cai, Sebastian Hauche, Silvio Poppe, Yu Cao, Lei Zhang, Chang Huang, Carsten Tschierske,* and Feng Liu*
Network Phases with Multiple-Junction Geometries at theGyroid−Diamond Transition

Journal of the American Chemical Society

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Xiangbing Zeng , Benjamin Glettner, Ute Baumeister, Bin Chen, Goran Ungar, Feng Liu & Carsten Tschierske*
A columnar liquid quasicrystal with a honeycomb structure that consists of triangular, square and trapezoidal cells

Nature Chemistry

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Katharina Beck, Janina Nandy, Maria Hoernkea*
Membrane permeabilization can be crucially biased by a fusogenic lipid composition – leaky fusion caused by antimicrobial peptides in model membranes

Soft Matter

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Wu, Y.; Wang, H.; Liu, Q.; Lortie, F.; Bernard, J.; Binder, W. H.; Chen, S.; Zhu, J.*
Hydrogen-bonded supramolecular polymer micelles with pH/photothermal-responsive carmofur release and combined chemo-photothermal therapy

Polymer Chemistry

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Alexey Eremin, Ahmad Murad, Mohamed Alaasar
Shear-induced birefringence in an optically isotropic cubic liquid crystalline phase

Soft Matter

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Philipp S. Hilgeroth, Justus F. ThĂŒmmler, Wolfgang H. Binder*
3D-printing of Triamcinolone Acetonide in Triblock Copolymers of
Styrene-Isobutylene-Styrene as a Slow Release System


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Patricia Korn, Christian Schwieger, Kai Gruhle, Vasil Garamus, Annette Meister, Christian Ihling, Simon Drescher
Azide- and diazirine-modified membrane lipids: Physicochemistry and applicability to study peptide/lipid interactions via cross-linking/mass spectrometry

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes

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Fanfan Du, Harald Rupp, Katalee Jariyavidyanont, Andreas Janke, Albrecht Petzold, Wolfgang H. Binder*, René Androsch*
3D-printing of the polymer/insect-repellent system poly (l-lactic acid)/ethyl butylacetylaminopropionate

International Journal of Pharmaceutics

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Mohamed Alaasar, Silvio Poppe
Hockey-Stick Polycatenars: Network formation and transition from one dimensional to three-dimensional liquid crystalline phases

Journal of Molecular Liquids

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Baiju P Krishnan, Kay SaalwÀchter, Vico Keve Adjedje, Wolfgang H. Binder*
Design, synthesis and characterization of vitrimers with low topology
freezing transition temperature


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Senbin Chen; Yanggui Wu; Frédéric Lortie; Julien Bernard; Wolfgang H. Binder; Jintao Zhu*,
Hydrogen-Bonds Mediated Nanomedicine: Design, Synthesis and Applications

Macromolecular Rapid Communications

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Mohamed Alaasar, Jaques-Christopher Schmidt, Xiaoqian Cai, Feng Liu, Carsten Tschierske
Controlling liquid and liquid crystalline network formation by core-fluorination of hydrogen bonded supramolecular polycatenars

Journal of Molecular Liquids

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Jan Auerswald, Jan Ebenhan, Christian Schwieger, Andrea Scrima, Annette Meister, Kirsten Bacia
Measuring protein insertion areas in lipid monolayers by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

Biophysical Journal

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Julia Dorner, Patricia Korn, Kai Gruhle, Dr. Daniel Ramsbeck, Dr. Vasil M. Garamus, Dr. Hauke Lilie, Dr. Annette Meister, Dr. Christian Schwieger, Dr. Christian Ihling, Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz, Dr. Simon Drescher
A Diazirine-Modified Membrane Lipid to Study Peptide/Lipid Interactions – Chances and Challenges

Chemistry – A European Journal

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Huiying Wang, Qiang Chen, Zhen Geng, Jingyi Rao, Bijin Xiong, Senbin Chen,* Frédéric Lortie, Julien Bernard, Wolfgang H. Binder, Jintao Zhu*
Hydrogen-bonding mediated self-assembly of amphiphilic ABA triblock copolymers into well defined giant vesicles

Polymer Chemistry

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Matthias Hoffmann, Simon Drescher, Christian Schwieger, Dariush Hinderberger
Influence of a single ether bond on assembly, orientation, and miscibility of phosphocholine lipids at the air–water interface

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

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