Specialized lecture for BEAM: Introduction to NMR spectroscopy
Supervisor: Prof. Saalwächter
Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.02.2022
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy (2SWS VL, 1 SWS Seminar)
Supervisor: Prof. Saalwächter
Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.02.2022
Introduction to NMR spectroscopy (2SWS VL, 1 SWS Seminar)
Event Date: 31.05.24
In this event series sucessful scientists share their experiences as a women in natural science, tell the story behind their official CV and give insights into their career for PhD students, PostDocs and interested students. This also gives natural scientists the opportunity to get-together and network.
Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:
Amphiphile + Bolaamphiphile + Polyphile Assoziationskolloide Lyotrope FlĂĽssigkristalle Phasengrenzen LANGMUIR-/GIBBS-Monoschichten Symmetrische + asymmetrische Lipidmembranen: Vesikel + Bizellen + Nanodisks Dispersionskolloide
Event Date: 29.11.23
How do you define stress?
When does it occur and how do you experience it?
When and how do you experience conflict?
What are your current strategies for coping?
Event Date: 27.03.2023:
Based on the DFG memorandum “Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice”, participants will receive an overview of the rules of good scientific practice and how to deal with scientific misconduct.