Current Student Talents
(Vorländer cohort)

Marlene Schneider
Student Talent since: 16.04.2021
Nominated by: Prof. Dariush Hinderberger
My name is Marlene Schneider. Since 2019 I have been studying food chemistry at Martin-Luther-Universität. In my opinion the project “Beyond Amphiphilicity” shows the diversity and the importance of chemistry which surrounds us every day. I am motivated to learn more about it and so I am looking forward to working in a group to get an insight into work especially into the scientific research of the project.

Katharina Schulz
Student Talent since: 08.02.2022
Nominated by: Prof. Dariush Hinderberger
My interest in chemistry was initially aroused by daily phenonemons like the immiscibility of water and oil. Learning more about interactions of atoms and molecules I realized how important amphiphiles can be for fundamental knowledge about interactions in solution helping to create new materials and technologies based on their unique properties of hydro- and lipophilicity. Being a part of the RTG 2670, I am so happy and grateful to be able to continue research on amphiphiles and get access to amazing workshops and such a smart and kind network.

Melissa Kemesies
Nominated by: tbd

Christian Hildebrand
Student Talent since: 01.09.2023
Nominated by: Prof. Martin Weissenborn
Enzymes have become an object of interest in the chemical industry because they are very useful as catalysts (e.g. if a reaction is supposed to yield a product with a well-defined stereochemistry) and they also comply with all criteria of so called “green chemistry” (Paul Anastas, John Warner 1998). As a part of my bachelor’s thesis I will synthesize substrates which could be converted to products that are valuable precursors, for example in the synthesis of medication. These conversions to a hydroxylated compound will be performed with the help of enzymes as bio catalysts. The group of enzymes that I will use are called UPOs (unspecific peroxygenase). They use hydrogen peroxide to insert a hydroxy group into the substrate by a radical mechanism. I want to investigate how good the different UPOs carry out the reaction regarding yield and the stereochemistry of the desired products.

Johannes KĂĽndiger
Student Talent since: 16.04.2021
Nominated by: Prof. Dariush Hinderberger
From surfactants in detergents to emulsifiers in chocolate, those substances are playing a big role in everyday life. And as a student in food science, I strive to understand these from a different point of scientific view. This project is my chance to learn and enhance scientific skills and experience up close what it takes to research in a scientifically topic. I’m glad to be a part in the project as a BEAM talent and I’m looking forward to have a great time.

Nico Schreiber
Nominated by: tbd
I am interested in how nature’s complex systems work and how their examples can be used to solve modern-day problems and create and design new systems. For this reason, I applied as a BEAM student talent, to learn more about amphiphilic molecules and systems. The BEAM student talent further provides new perspectives from other people and their projects, which is very interesting and often helpful.
Former Student Talents
(now Doctoral Researchers)

Jana KrĂĽger
Student Talent from – to:
16.04.2021- 31.05.2023

Annika Blum
Student Talent from – to:
25.04.2022- 26.03.2024

Sebastian Michler
Student Talent from – to:
28.02.2022- 30.11.2022
Former Student Talents

Nastaran Fatemeh
Student Talent from – to:
11.06.2021- 31.03.2022

Vanessa Jerschabek
Student Talent from – to:
28.02.2022- 17.10.2024

Philipp Hesse
Student Talent from – to:
11.06.2021- 01.02.2025

Ali Hamoudi
Student Talent from – to:
08.02.2022- 31.12.2022

Torje OrlamĂĽnde
Student Talent from – to:
30.05.2023- 21.12.2023