Get-Together of the Research School Network Halle 2024: Generative AI for Science

Get-Together of the Research School Network Halle 2024: Generative AI for Science

Event Date: August 29, 2024; 3.00 – 9.00 p.m.
Venue: VSP 1, R 3.07

The Research School Network Halle invites all participating doctoral researchers to the 4th summer meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2024.

Doctoral researchers from graduate schools in the field of Natural Sciences and Agricultural and Food Economics have the opportunity to get in contact in a stimulating atmosphere, which fosters exchange and creates opportunities for collaboration. The meeting starts with an interactive workshop on generative AI for science and ends with a get-together. Food will be provided for free, non-alcoholic drinks and alcoholic beverages will be available for a small fee.