Conference 2025

Beam Conference 2025

From 19. to 21. March 2025 our BEAM Conference will take place in Halle (Saale)!


  • intermolecular interactions
  • function and ordering of liquid crystals
  • solvation of molecules
  • diffusive motion of comples molecules
  • mathematical description of symmetry
  • protein engineering & directed evolution
  • covalent organic frameworks
  • supramolecular self-assembly of polymers & complex materials
  • polyphillic protein-membrane interactions


Sarel-Jacob Fleishman
Weizmann Insitute of Science, Israel

Sabine Ludwigs
University Stuttgart, GER

Burckhard Seelig
University of Minnesota, US

Jessica A. Willi
Northwester University, US

Barbara Kirchner
University of Bonn, GER

Tobias Ritter
MPI for Coal Research, Mülheim, GER

Reidun Twarock
University of York, UK

Prof. Cosima Stubenrauch
Universität Stuttgart, GER 

Ralf Ludwig
University Rostock, GER

Peter R. Schreiner
University Giessen, GER

Helma Wennemers
ETH Zürich, CH

Call for abstracts for Oral and Poster Presentations:

We request abstracts of up to 2000 characters. All submissions will undergo peer review. When submitting your abstract, please indicate whether you are aplying for a poster or an oral presentation.

The deadline is 31.01.2025!


    The asterisk* denotes mandatory fields.