Specialized lecture for BEAM: Chemoenzymatische Chemie
Supervisor: Prof. Weissenborn
Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.02.2022
available in StudIP
Supervisor: Prof. Weissenborn
Event Date: 11.10.2021 – 12.02.2022
available in StudIP
Event Date: 13.01.2022 + 14.01.2022:
Management of R objects, workspace, Help system, R packages, data types, Working with GUI RStudio, importing and exporting of data, Importing/exporting foreign formats such as SPSS datasets or .*cho, Summary statistics, dealing with missing data, Modify data set structures, Extracting partial data sets (split, submit, which), Working with tables: Row sums, column sums, Frequency tables, Graphical representation of frequency tables, Special table functions, Overview on graphic types, Layout and graphic design, graphics output, Algorithms in Data Science, Data import, processing, modelling and visualization, Overview about the classification of algorithms in Machine Learning The workshop lanuage is English. Registration is closed.
Event Date: 22.11.23
On November 22 th, 2023 Prof. Hale Ocak (Faculty of Organic Chemistry, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul) will talk about “Cyano Substituted Chiral Liquid Crystals and Their Composites Doped with Modified Magnetite Nanoparticles”
Event Date: 07.03.2022:
This workshop will give you the opportunity to examine the distinctions between communication styles at work – support-oriented (horizontal) versus status-oriented (vertical); these communication styles can determine success or failure within a largely male-dominated environment.
Event Date: 11.10.2021 + 12.02.2022:
Basics of mass spectrometry
• Identification of proteins, lipids
• Quantitative mass spectrometry
• Structural mass spectrometry